7 Beneficial Reasons to Opt for Sedation Dentistry

Going to the dentist can be an anxiety-inducing experience for many people. If you're one of the many individuals who experiences fear or anxiety when it comes to dental appointments, sedation dentistry might be just what you need. Sedation dentistry is the practice of using medication that allows patients to relax while undergoing a dental procedure. Here are seven ways sedation dentistry can improve your life:

Alleviates Anxiety- Say Goodbye to Sweaty Foreheads

If you experience dental anxiety or fear, sedation dentistry near you alleviates those feelings. Anxiety can be a significant barrier to dental care for many people, causing them to avoid necessary treatments and appointments. Sedation dentistry allows utmost relaxation, helping patients remain calm during their appointments and making it easier to receive necessary dental care.

Different levels of sedation dentistry are available, including mild, moderate and deep sedation.

  • Mild sedation involves taking a medication like nitrous oxide or laughing gas. This type of sedation can help you feel at ease during your appointment but allows you to remain awake and aware of what's happening.

  • Moderate sedation involves taking a medication that makes you feel tired but still conscious. It combats anxiety while allowing you to communicate with your dentist throughout the procedure.

  • Deep sedation implies taking medication that makes you almost unconscious but still able to respond to stimuli. This type of sedation is typically reserved for more invasive procedures or patients with severe anxiety.

Regardless of the level of sedation used, sedation dentistry gives a tough fight to anxiety and makes it easier for patients to receive necessary dental care.

Saves Time- No Rush, Only Relaxation

Another benefit to note is that it can save time. Dental appointments can be lengthy and time-consuming for many patients, especially if they experience anxiety or fear. Sedation dentistry can help make appointments more efficient, allowing dentists to complete necessary procedures in less time.

  • Because patients are more relaxed during their appointments, dentists can often work more efficiently, saving time and reducing the need for multiple appointments. That is especially helpful for patients with busy schedules and difficulty finding time for multiple appointments.

  • In addition to saving time during appointments, this dentistry can help lower the recovery time needed after specific procedures. For example, patients undergoing oral surgery may need time off work or school to recover. With this dentistry, patients may be able to recover more quickly and return to their normal activities sooner.

Helps with Gag Reflex- Bye-Bye Choking

Some people have an overly sensitive gag reflex, making it difficult for dentists to perform specific procedures. Sedation dentistry support diminishes the gag reflex, supporting dentists to work on the teeth and gums. It can be beneficial for patients demanding extensive dental work.

Reduces Physical Discomfort- No Fear of Pain with Sedation Dentistry

Some dental procedures can cause physical discomfort or pain, such as fillings or root canals. Sedation dentistry limits this discomfort by helping patients relax and reduce their pain sensitivity. It can make the procedure more comfortable while lowering the patient’s stress levels.

Multiple Procedures in One Appointment- One-Stop Solution

Sedation dentistry can be beneficial for patients requiring multiple dental procedures. Sedation can allow multiple procedures to be completed in one appointment, saving patients time and reducing the need for multiple appointments.

Improves Oral Health- Smile with Pride

Sedation dentistry can be life-changing for patients avoiding the dentist due to fear or anxiety. It allows patients to receive necessary dental care, helps improve their oral health and prevents more serious dental problems from developing.

Benefits Patients with Special Needs- Hyper-Reaction Has No Place

Sedation dentistry can also benefit patients with special needs who may have difficulty sitting still or remaining calm during dental procedures. By helping these patients relax, it can make things easier for dentists to perform necessary procedures and improve their oral health.

Come to Comprehensive Family Dentistry- Yours Truly!

The best clinic to opt for your sedation dentistry in OKC is none other than Comprehensive Family Dentistry. We have a team of specialized dentists who understand every patient’s needs and create a treatment plan accordingly. Get rid of all your dental anxiety once and for all.

**Disclaimer: Content posted here is not intended as medical advice and constitutes no patient relationship or medical treatment.