Revamp Your Smile: The Benefits of Permanent Dentures

As the saying goes, "A smile is the best accessory you can wear." Unfortunately, missing teeth can make smiling with confidence difficult. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, over 36 million Americans are missing all of their teeth, and that number can grow in the future. Permanent dentures are a practical and affordable solution for those who have lost some or all of their teeth. In OKC, there are many options for those seeking a permanent solution, and choosing a qualified dentist is essential to ensure the best possible results.

In this blog, we'll explore the advantages of permanent dentures, how they compare to stabilized dentures, and what makes an ideal implant denture candidate. So, whether you're missing one tooth or several, discover how permanent dentures can transform your smile and quality of life.

The Toothsome Twosome: All About Permanent Dentures

Permanent dentures are a type of denture that is secured in your mouth using dental implants. Dental implants are small metal posts surgically inserted into your jawbone, providing a secure foundation for your dentures. Once the implants are in place, a custom-made denture is attached, providing a permanent and stable solution for missing teeth.

Secret to a Confident Smile: Permanent Dentures

There are several advantages of getting permanent dentures in OKC, including:

  • Durability: These types of dentures offer a long-lasting solution to missing teeth. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years.

  • Improved Speech: Traditional dentures can sometimes slip or shift, causing you to slur or mumble. On the other hand, permanent dentures are secured in place, allowing you to speak confidently.

  • Better Eating: Because these dentures are securely attached to your jawbone, you can eat a wider variety of foods without fear of your dentures slipping or falling out.

  • Improved Oral Health: They can help preserve the health of your remaining teeth and prevent bone loss in your jaw.

The Battle of the Dentures: Permanent vs. Stabilized

While permanent dentures and stabilized dentures are both viable options for those with missing teeth, there are some critical differences between the two. At the same time, the dental adhesive can secure stabilized dentures, and dental implants anchor permanent dentures to your jawbone.

Stabilized dentures can be a good option for those not candidates for such dentures due to jawbone density or other health concerns. However, these dentures provide a more stable and long-lasting solution for missing teeth.

The Perfect Match: Are You an Ideal Implant Denture Candidate?

If you're considering a permanent dentures procedure, knowing whether you're a good candidate is essential. Ideal implant denture candidates typically:

  • Have Good Oral Health: To be a candidate for permanent dentures, you should have good oral health, with proper gums health and the right bone density to support the dental implants.

  • Are Missing Teeth: These dentures can be an excellent solution if one or more teeth are missing.

  • Want a Long-Term Solution: Dentures are an excellent choice if you're looking for a solution that will last many years.

  • If They Are Willing to Invest in Their Oral Health: While permanent dentures can be more expensive than traditional ones, they are a long-term investment in oral health and overall well-being.

Join Our Family of Smiles: Schedule Your Appointment Today!

If you're considering permanent dentures, the team at Comprehensive Family Dentistry in OKC can help. Our experienced dentists can evaluate your oral health and determine if you're a good candidate for the procedure. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve a healthy smile.

**Disclaimer: Content posted here is not intended as medical advice and constitutes no patient relationship or medical treatment.