5 Main Reasons Behind America’s Poor Oral Health

One cannot deny the fact that oral health in America has seen significant improvement in the past 70 years. However, things do not seem to be ideal for people who are financially weak. Many people are yet to maintain regular oral health care, increasing the chances of tooth decay in children. Their poverty keeps them from visiting the nearby dentist in Oklahoma City.

Why Oral Health Is Still Undertreated in the Country?

One of the biggest reasons for kids missing school is their improper oral health.

Let us now have a close look at the reasons behind such a crisis

Ignoring the Necessity Of Oral Health

Most people do not want to visit an emergency dentist in OKC. They usually take tooth decay for granted and are worried about the treatment cost for the same.

Some people also think that treatment can be skipped if there is no pain. What they fail to realize is that it can spread to gums and other teeth (also in the brain in certain extreme cases which can be fatal).

Making your kids shy away from smiling is like making them less sociable, which is not a good thing.

It is important to instill healthy oral care habits in your child by taking him/her to a dentist regularly. You can skip this step at your own risk if you want your child to feel shy during job interviews.

Not Considering Oral Health A Priority

It seems parents are least likely to take their children to a nearby dentist in Oklahoma City at least once every year. This can make matters worse as oral health is still being taken lightly.

Not Prioritized by The Government:

Although children have started visiting dentists recently, most dentists are less likely to accept lower reimbursement provided by various government programs. Hence, funding becomes an essential need of the hour.

Lack of Providers:

Most regions do not have enough dentists to fulfill the requirements of the community. These areas are referred to as Dental Care Health Professional Shortage Areas. These can exist in urban as well as rural regions. As per the reports, Orange County and California do not have sufficient reimbursement rates. This makes it difficult for dentists to serve many patients.

SNAP Approved Items Do Not Include Oral Hygiene Products on The List:

Most families with poor financial conditions must make a choice between buying grocery items or buying toothpaste. Most children usually stay excited to get a toothbrush at various events. This clearly indicates that they do not have oral products at their disposal.

What’s the Solution?

If you are looking for cost-effective oral care for your child or want to visit a nearby dentist in Oklahoma City for the best possible treatment, contact Comprehensive Family Dentistry today! We offer a seamless service provided by reputed and expert dentists at an affordable rate. Visit our website to know more about our services.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.