Never Ignore the Symptoms of Cavity

If you have been thinking that cavity is a common problem among children, you are wrong. You can get cavity at any age. Cavity is a one of the most common diseases that dentists in Oklahoma City and other parts of the country have to deal with.

Cavity is a disease that affects your tooth enamel because of the acid that is present in your mouth. If you keep your cavities untreated, you may experience severe toothaches and even infections that can lead you to extracting the affected tooth. While you must follow proper dental care, you may still end up with cavity. It is best to see your dentist regularly to prevent tooth decay.

Kinds of Cavities:

The outer layer of your tooth is made with enamel that is a strong substance. So, it takes time for the cavity to show on your tooth. It can take as long as three years for the hole to form. However, once there is a hole on the outer layer of your tooth, the cavity spreads rapidly through the middle and the inner layers. There are three kinds of cavities that can affect you:

Smooth Surface: When the gravity just starts growing, it attacks the smooth surface of your tooth. If you can identify the early signs of cavity, you should immediately see your dentist in Oklahoma City. Taking professional help can even help you reverse the problem.

Pit and Fissures: When the cavity spreads through the upper part to the chewing surface, you will feel sensitivity in your teeth. Pit and fissures can cause permanent, irreversible damage to your teeth.

Root Decay: If you have an older adult in your house, you should ask them to see their dentist. Older people are more prone towards root decay since they have receding gums.

Symptoms of Cavity:

Even though there are different stages of tooth decay, you can identify some common symptoms of cavity and ask for help from your dentist in Oklahoma City. When it is just starting, you may not really feel any discomfort. But you should keep checking whether you have a bad breath. Also, you may have bleeding gums if you have cavity along with swelling and toothache. Make sure to seek professional help whenever you feel tooth sensitivity.

The Help That You Need:

Ideally, you should get dental checkups regularly. Comprehensive Family Dentistry houses experienced dentists in Oklahoma City. From regular checkups to offering treatment for any dental diseases, you can get all under one roof.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.