Bleeding Gum Signs: 4 Common Yet Effective Reasons

Bleeding and sore gums are something that we never want to encounter. You may have faced bleeding gums issue whole brushing your teeth or eating something solid. This can be a temporary scene or can also be a warning sign of any underlying problem. You need to go for a detailed diagnosis conducted by an experienced dentist to understand whether you need a prolonged treatment for any underlying health concern.

Make an appointment with your dentist if you notice unusual bleeding from your gums. Gum disease treatment or home remedies may be recommended after a thorough examination of your gums. If any serious issue persists, you may have to call an emergency dentist to deal with your case.

While Brushing

Good oral hygiene requires twice daily brushing and daily flossing but brushing too roughly or with the wrong toothbrush can irritate your gums and cause bleeding.

The enamel on your teeth may be damaged if you vigorously brush them. In order to minimize bruising and inflammation:

The best way to brush your teeth is to use circular motions.

  • Switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush if you're currently using one with hard or medium bristles.

  • It's best to use a toothpaste specifically made for people with sensitive teeth and gums.

  • Asking your dentist about interdental brushes and water flossers may help soothe bleeding gums when it comes to flossing.

  • As soon as the gums have a chance to heal, the bleeding from brushing or flossing should stop.

Disease of Gums

A common cause of bleeding gums is gum disease. The gums become inflamed as a result of bacteria. If the gums are irritated by plaque, they are more susceptible to bleeding and may need to be treated.

Pre-disease stages of gum disease are called gingivitis. Improving your daily oral hygiene routine and scheduling regular checkups with a dentist can usually alleviate the symptoms you're experiencing. Gingivitis, if left untreated, can progress to periodontitis, a more serious condition that can result in tooth loss and even permanent damage.

Hormonal Changes

Menopause and other hormonal changes can cause an increase in gum blood flow, increasing the gums' sensitivity and susceptibility to bleeding. Women who are pregnant are more susceptible to developing gum disease (pregnancy gingivitis), which can cause bleeding gums, as it is common in pregnant women.

As long as you practice good oral hygiene, this condition is usually reversible. Those with bleeding gums should avoid touching them and brush and floss with caution.

Improper Fittings of Dentures or Braces

Ill-fitted braces and dentures often put pressure on the gums and can lead to bleeding. This can be painful as well as dangerous because it can lead to infection if not treated beforehand.

Appliances can become loose or dislodged, causing this. If you have sensitive gums, you may also be at risk.

During your regular dental checkups, your dentist will ensure that your dentures or braces fit properly and will make any necessary adjustments. Braces may need to be tightened or loosen, or dentures may need to be relined or replaced.

Consult your dentist right away if you're experiencing discomfort from an ill-fitting or painful oral appliance.

Talk to Our Emergency Dentist in Oklahoma

An emergency dentist is essential to diagnose the cause behind bleeding gums. Rely on Comprehensive Family Dentistry and talk to our experts. Your treatment will be guided by specialists so that you can get a seamless result.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.