Sedation Dentistry to Lessen Your Dental Procedure Pain

Sedation dentistry is a kind of medication that is used during the dental and oral procedures to ease the pain. This is often mentioned as sleep industry, but people during dental procedures are generally awake except they got general anesthesia.

Sedation Types Used in Dentistry

Inhaled minimal sedation

The patients are given laughing gas or nitrous oxide. This is mixed with oxygen and a mask is placed right over the nose. This gas helps the patient to stay relaxed. The dentist can control sedation amount and the gas wears off fast.

Oral sedation

The total oral sedation range can differ from minimal to moderate as it depends on the entire dose. A pill is recommended for minimal sedation. It will make a patient feel drowsy still awake. A larger dose gives moderate sedation. This is the kind of anesthesia designed for sedation industry. Some people feel groggy or some fall asleep during the process.

IV moderate sedation

This sedative is pushed through the veins that is why it starts working faster than the others. Dentist can consistently control the sedation amount.

Deep sedation and general anesthesia

This level of sedation will make a patient partially unconscious or completely unconscious. The patients will have a deep sleep during the process. Under the effects of general anesthesia, a person cannot be awakened until the effects wear off.


When this compared to other sedation processes, the oral sedative cost for the patients is very low. It does not need any special technique, tools, injections and the dentist also does not need advanced and extensive training. This is beneficial for the patients having medical conditions such as renal or hepatic disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, epilepsy and more.


Incapability of titrate is one of the major disadvantages of sedation dentistry. The chemical of the drug travels through the GI tract along with the portal hepatic circulation. After pushing a minimal amount of drug will be there for the required actions. The action and recovery may also get delayed.

Though there are plenty of types along with own pros and cons in sedation dentistry, it is always best to ask for the correct one. See us at CFD for detail help.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.