No More Dental Phobia with Sedation Dentistry

Are you dying inside just thinking about getting your teeth cleaned? If you had to choose, would you rather sit through the terrifying ordeal of a dentist visit or go through the misery of a toothache? We won’t judge you if you say you would do the latter. You’re not the only one. In our time, we have met a lot of patients with a such severe dental phobia that they would rather not receive any care at all.

Sedation dentistry should be able to help people curb dental phobia. Everything from invasive procedures to routine dental cleanings can benefit from sedation.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

The process of sedation dentistry uses medication to make patients feel more comfortable while they get work done on their teeth. Even though the term "sleep dentistry" is not totally accurate, it is still somewhat prevalent. With the exception of individuals who are asleep due to general anesthesia, most patients are conscious.

How Does Dental Sedation Work?

Dental sedation relaxes your nerves by briefly and mildly depressing the central nervous system. Dentists recommend administering the drug intravenously. Because IV sedation enters the bloodstream directly, it has a nearly instantaneous effect. Depending on the sedation level desired, the dentist is tasked with changing the dosage.

What Are the Advantages of Sedation Dentistry?

Your memory of the procedures carried out during your stay will be nonexistent, sporadic at best. The sedative induces a dream-like, semi-conscious state in the patient. As a result, you won't feel any pain or discomfort after the treatment is over. Technically, you’ll also be fully awake during the procedure.

Patients with sensitive teeth or gums may find sedation medication to be absolutely necessary for dental operations. Not only does it help them relax but also significantly numbs the discomfort.

Another benefit of sedation dentistry is that procedure times can be considerably shortened. Dentists are able to complete the procedure faster when patients are calmer than they would be if they were tense or in pain. Distraught dental patients also ask for frequent breaks, which makes the process last longer.

The presence of an excessive gag reflex makes certain dental procedures very challenging or even impossible. Thankfully, there is a way around this. The gag reflex is reduced during sedation dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry in OKC

Comprehensive Family Dentistry houses some of the most highly trained and widely experienced dentists and dental surgeons in the state of Oklahoma. To book an appointment online, visit our website. You can also get in touch with us via our contact information listed on the page.

**Disclaimer: This content is not professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between the patient, care provider, or doctors.