Learning the Real Magic of Sedation Dentistry

You Are Scared of Your Dentist!

Do you dread visiting a dentist because you're afraid? Sedation dentistry is an option if you answered yes. Sedation dentistry can help alleviate your anxiety and fear. It has both simple and invasive methods. The severity of the patient's anxiety and fear determines the type of sedation dentistry methods that will be implemented.

The Use of Sedation Dentistry Is Appropriate for Those Who:

  • Have pharyngeal reflexes

  • Has teeth that are prone to sensitivity

  • Is afraid of dentists and has a hard time sitting in the chair

  • Has a very low pain threshold

Children's Sedation Dentistry

When children refuse to cooperate or are afraid of the dental procedure, they are given sedation. Because nitrous oxide is safe for children, it is the most commonly used anesthetic. Also, it can be administered by any dental professional. Only a few pediatric dentists are qualified to administer oral sedation to their patients. It is also safe to administer Oral Sedation if it is administered in accordance with the child's weight and age requirements.

Understanding Sedation Dentistry a little better

Sedation Dentistry uses medication to reduce the patient's fear and anxiety. The term "Sleep Dentistry" has been used by some people to describe Sedation Dentistry. The procedures can be performed while the patient is not conscious, but there are also methods that allow the patient to remain conscious. "Sleep Dentistry" uses general anesthesia for the entire dental procedure.

In terms of sedation dentistry, the following levels are available:

  • Low to moderate levels of sedation

  • Sedation for Longer Periods of Time

  • General anesthetics

General anesthesia is used to put the patient into a deep coma for the duration of the treatment of the dental issue. It is possible to bring the patient out of deep sedation with this procedure. The patient won't be able to recall much of the dental procedure while under the influence of moderate sedation. This is the lowest level of general anesthesia as the patient has full consciousness but at ease throughout the procedure.

Different kinds of sedation dentistry:

  • IV Moderate Sedation

  • General Anesthesia and Deep Sedation

  • Oral sedation

  • Took a dose of inhaled sedation

Among the different types of sedatives, Inhaled Minimal Sedation is the most gentle. Oxygen and nitrous oxide will be inhaled by the patient as he or she undergoes the procedure. This type of sedation will help the patient relax. Dental sedation can be administered at the dentist's discretion. After a dental procedure, this is the only type of sedation that allows a patient to drive home.

Dentists can administer mild or moderate sedation to their patients through oral sedation. That will be administered to the patient by means of Halcion, a Valium-like pill. An hour before the procedure, take the Halcion pill.

Using the mild oral sedation, the patient will suffer from drowsiness and very relaxed. Patients in Moderate Oral Sedation will receive a higher dose of Halcion, a sedative drug. In addition, an hour before the dental procedure, a pill will be administered. The patient will fall asleep as a result of the Moderate Oral Sedation. When the patient is asleep, a gentle shake can be enough to wake him or her.

The IV moderate sedation will be administered to the patient via a vein. The dentist will ensure that the patient receives the correct amount of sedation. When compared to oral sedation, which requires the patient to take it an hour before the procedure, this type of sedation is much more effective.

Deep sedation and general anesthesia require the patient to be given medication in order to fall asleep and be completely unconscious during the procedure itself. Contact Comprehensive Family Dentistry in Oklahoma to learn more about sedation dentistry and how it works during your dental treatment.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.