Learn More about Different Types of Dental Implants

People often find it difficult to talk or smile as they usually do, especially when they lose one or more teeth. Dental implant is a small titanium screw, surgically placed within the jawbone. This screw will later fuse with your jawbone and create a lasting foundation for your tooth restoration. A single dental implant will support your single missing tooth. When there are multiple teeth missing, an implant bridge can help you. If you follow a proper care strategy, your dental implant will last a lifetime. That’s why dental implants are recommended widely to replace your missing teeth. Here are a few different types of dental implants:

Single Dental Implant

A single dental implant is used to replace your single missing tooth. A dental implant expert will surgically place a post and a crown into your jawbone. There will be no pain while performing this procedure. 3 to 4 months will be required to fuse your post with your jawbone. Once healed, a custom-designed crown will be connected to your post. Later you will be able to feel your new tooth just like your surrounding teeth.

An Implant-Supported Bridge

An implant-supported bridge can help you when you have multiple missing teeth to replace. A bridge works by using two crowns on both sides of your missing teeth gap. There is an artificial tooth held between the two crowns. One of the biggest benefits of implant-supported bridges is – you can replace multiple missing teeth. If you’re one of those who need emergency dental service, contact an emergency dentist.

Implant Retained Denture

When it comes to denture, it’s an artificial curve of teeth. It helps you provide the appearance of a full set of teeth. Since dentures can move, it will make your daily tasks such as eating and talking uncomfortable. Dental implants can help you fix your denture permanently.

People with a lot of missing teeth can wear a denture. This will help them restore their smile and confidence. But at first, you need to make sure you are the right candidate for the dental surgery. If you are in OKC and need emergency dental service, visit an emergency dentist as early as possible.

If you need dental implants to bring your smile and confidence back, visit Comprehensive Family Dentistry. We’re a group of Oklahoma’s best dentists. Our mission is to bring patient’s smiles back. Give us a call.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.