How to Know If You Need a Root Canal?

Many of us may have already gone through this horrible situation. We may have gotten a tasty meal in front of us and after taking a bite or two, have felt the sensation out of nowhere. After going to the dentist, he or she may recommend doing a root canal. But there is nothing to panic about. People get afraid whenever they hear about this treatment

However, the fact is, most of the root canal processes are painless now. The specialists use anesthetics and other modern techniques while doing the root canal. Basically, root canal therapy helps us by prolonging the life of a tooth that is infected, or fractured. However, here, we have discussed a few signs that may indicate that you may need a root canal.

May Notice Discoloration of Teeth

If you notice that one or two of your teeth is way darker than the rest, then it is a sign of nerve damage or infection. You must visit a dentist immediately to take advice.

Pain in Tooth and Gum

Sometimes you may notice pain both in your gum and tooth. It is one of the main indications that there is something wrong with your oral health.. But, whenever you experience pain that does not mean that you have to do a root canal. Whenever you apply pressure in the area, brush your teeth or chew anything, you may experience intense pain.

Inflammation and Swelling

If you have an infection or cavity in your teeth, then you may experience inflammation and swelling apart from pain. You may notice swelling in your neck and face and a tender spot along the gum line. You may reduce the swelling by consuming over-the-counter medicine. But it does not solve the problem. You should contact the local dentist to identify the source of the problem.

Pimples on Your Gums

You may be surprised by seeing pimples on the gums, right? But pimples do not only occur in your face but also in the gum. Whenever you notice a pus-filled “boil” on your gum, you may have an infection in your teeth. You should not drain that particular area by yourself. You should go to the dentist and let them solve the problem.


If you are suffering from dental hypersensitivity, then the root cause can be anything. It is also a fact that some sensitivity to the temperature is normal for everyone. Therefore, whenever you notice hypersensitivity in your teeth, visit your doctor immediately.

Contact Us

Nowadays everyone is suffering from teeth problems more or less. Therefore, it would not be a big issue if you go to a dentist. Whenever you suffer from any discomfort in teeth, contact Comprehensive Family Dentistry in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.