Can Sedation Dentistry Really Relax The Patients During Dental Procedures?

When individuals fear going to the dentist, it is called dental phobia or dental anxiety. According to research, more than 20% of Americans suffer from dental anxiety. Individuals can understand that the fear is totally baseless but they cannot control the fear and stress. If you have dental anxiety, then you will do anything to avoid the matter. Dental anxiety may occur due to some dental practices such as drills, needles, approx financial cost, pain, vulnerability. 

 The Symptoms

  • Palpitation

  • Sweating

  • You may face difficulty while sleeping at night before the dental check-up.

  • You may feel physically ill

 What Causes Dental Anxiety?

  1. Fear of pain

  2. Most people fear injection while inserting it into the mouth. 

  3. Some people also fear the process and side effects of anesthesia such as nausea, dizziness, fatigue. 

  4. When dentists check something in the mouth, most people feel uncomfortable about the physical closeness.

 How to Handle Dental Anxiety?

  • You should practice meditation.

  • You can play TV or music as a distraction.

  • Taking deep breaths may help you to handle dental anxiety. 

Can Sedation Dentistry Help to Reduce Dental Anxiety?

Sedation dentistry is very helpful for those people who suffer from dental anxiety. It uses sedatives for relaxing the body and mind of the patients before any dental work is completed. There are various types of sedatives available on the market. Specialists give sedatives based on your fear. There are few sedatives which can calm you while you are still awake and it also maintains body function.  Sedation dentistry does not only help you to get rid of dental anxiety but also helps the dentist to do the work properly without any disruption. There are various levels of sedation available. 

Minimal sedation – the patient is awake but relaxed during the dental procedure.

Moderate sedation – the patient may awake but cannot remember much of the dental procedure.

Deep sedation – the patient can be awakened but drowsy during the treatment.

Anesthesia- the patient is unconscious during the procedure.

 Types of Sedation

  1. Inhaled minimal sedation

  2. IV moderate sedation

  3. Oral sedation

 Ending Note

If you fear the dental procedure very much and do panic, feels free to contact any specialist to know about sedation dentistry. Comprehensive Family Dentistry provides sedation during any kind of dental treatment OKC. Place your trust in us and say goodbye to your dental anxiety.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.