Significance of Dental Implant in Dealing with Dental Diseases

Nothing is better than natural healthy teeth. But dentists in Oklahoma City has come up with the next best thing for people who have loss of teeth, periodontal disorders or badly fit dentures.

Dental implants have the greatest advantage of being very solid and never rotting teeth. Our dental implants, at Comprehensive Family Dentistry, are constructed from titanium and covered with TiUnite, scientifically demonstrably bonding with your bone, making our approved implants as healthy natural teeth exceptionally safe.

For our implant-supported teeth, our in-house lab uses Zirconia. Zirconia is big, and not ideal for splitting, chipping, or cracking. Zirconia teeth are normally life-long and immune to stains, acidic food and bacteria. Moreover, our patients never have cavities or problems with gum.

You will now get a full set of teeth in just one day, when you sleep easily whether you are uncomfortable with the tooth, suffer from extreme denture pains or are willing to lose all your teeth. Comprehensive Dentistry gives your natural teeth the appearance and feel you have always desired for.

Reasons behind Opting for Dental Implant

There are several reasons why dental implants opted than other dental devices, such as bridges or prosthetics. In addition to being easier to manage, implants often give the wearer greater comfort and require no removal at night. Dental implants are rapidly becoming the go-to treatment for tooth loss due to their high success rate (98%).

Natural Teeth Vs Dental Implant

Many dentists also wonder if dental implants are really better than natural teeth. In order to protect your natural teeth, your dentist will make his or her best efforts. The best option is whether a natural tooth can be recovered. This also involves several procedures that can make patients worse. If natural teeth can be repaired, however, they should be better than dental implants, as safe, solid natural teeth are better.

Dental implants are often the best choice; above all, if there is a substantial decay. Dental implants can help a patient to live a healthier lifestyle in the case of serious gum disease or decay. Decaying teeth cause a broad variety of problems in health, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, osteoporosis and decreased diabetic insulin efficacy.

Bone density implants also help in healing various dental diseases. The jawbone will never heal until the tooth is removed when the natural tooth is badly decayed. Last but not least, implants last a lifetime. Whereas dental implants do not look better than healthy, natural teeth, they do not decay.

Visit us for your dental implant today. Book a schedule with us in Oklahoma City by giving us a call.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.