Guidelines You Need To Follow After a Successful Oral Surgery

It is essential to follow the guidelines of the dental surgeon after your successful dental implant. To get proper healing and to prevent any kind of complication you need to go through the Do’s and Don’ts that are mentioned in the article. If you have undergone oral surgery, you should read this article to get a complete idea of what you should and what not.


  1. Make sure that you are obeying your doctor’s instructions. It will be very helpful for you if you follow the guidelines that your doctor has already told you.

  2. To reduce the swelling, allow ice compression on your face. Mostly recommend that you should alternate the icing for every 15 minutes on and off.

  3. If you want to lie down after the dental implant, make sure that your head is propped with the pillows to promote the proper blood flow in your face.

  4. Make sure that you are not skipping any dose, for a whole day. Even if you feel that there is no pain, take the medications. You have to take your medication in the middle of the night if it is prescribed.

  5. Keep your mouth clean all the time. Your doctor may tell you not to rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours after the surgery, but he/she will tell you to do it in a day or so. After a day or two, you will be instructed to wash your mouth with a mixture of salt and lukewarm water.

  6. Intake healthy foods, enriched with vitamins A and C. This will help you to recover very quickly.


  1. Make sure you are not doing anything that does not follow the guidelines of the oral surgeon, as it will take more time to heal your wounds.

  2. Don’t eat or drink any hot food or beverage, as it can burn your mouth and you will feel double pain and the healing procedure will take a longer time than usual.

  3. Don’t chew any kind of hard food.

  4. Don’t brush and floss your teeth in the surgical area.

  5. Don’t smoke till the wound heals over time.

  6. Don’t consume alcohol.

Our teeth are a pivotal part of our body. We know that you don’t want to lose your precious smile, which is what Comprehensive Dentistry is there to provide you with all kind of dental solutions in OKC. Book your appointment now.

Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.

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