Witnessing Excruciating Tooth Aches? Seek Expert Guidance

Are you one of the millions worldwide who suffer from sensitive teeth? Then, you know how excruciating the pain can be. You may experience sudden, sharp pain when eating or drinking hot or cold foods and beverages or breathing in cold air. Several factors contribute to tooth sensitivity, including tooth decay, gum disease and tooth grinding. Seeking help from an emergency dentist in OKC can alleviate this pain and improve your oral health.

What Procedures Your Emergency Dentist May Suggest?

Root Canal Treatment

A root canal infection is one of the most common causes of tooth sensitivity. When the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected, it can cause intense pain and sensitivity. In this case, your dental surgeon may recommend a root canal treatment to remove the infected tissue and prevent further damage. During the procedure, the dentist will remove the infected tissue, clean the area and fill the tooth with a particular material to protect it from future infections. A single visit is sufficient for the treatment and most patients experience little to no pain during the procedure.

Using Desensitizing Toothpaste

Mild enamel erosion is another major cause of tooth sensitivity. Your emergency dental physician may suggest using a desensitizing toothpaste in the first place. These kinds of toothpaste contain ingredients that help block the pain signals from your teeth to your brain. They can also help strengthen your tooth enamel, reducing sensitivity over time. When choosing a desensitizing toothpaste, look for one containing potassium nitrate or stannous fluoride, effectively decreasing sensitivity.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can help strengthen your tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity. You may need fluoride treatment which involves applying a high-concentration fluoride gel or foam to your teeth. The fluoride will penetrate your tooth enamel, helping to strengthen it and reduce sensitivity. This treatment can be done anytime and anywhere and typically takes only a few minutes.

Gum Grafting

Gum recession is a significant contributing factor to tooth sensitivity. Most dentists will ask you to undergo gum grafting treatment. It involves taking tissue from another part of your mouth or a donor source and grafting it onto the affected area of your gums. Hence, the procedure can help protect your tooth roots and reduce sensitivity. Gum grafting is a minor surgical procedure that needs to occur under local anesthesia.

Bonding Treatment

If small chips or cracks in your teeth have caused a sensitive tooth, bonding or desensitizing treatment can help ease the severe symptoms. That involves applying a tooth-colored resin to the affected area of your tooth, which will bond to your tooth and reduce sensitivity. Bonding is a non-invasive procedure that can be done in-office and can be performed in no time. Let your emergency tooth specialist decide which treatment can reduce your dental problems.

Our Offering

If you're experiencing tooth sensitivity or any other dental emergency, don't delay seeking professional help. At Comprehensive Family Dentistry, our team of experienced emergency professionals is here to provide you with the best care and attention you need to fix your excruciating pain.

We have the expertise and resources to help you get the relief you need and determine which treatment can ensure your speedy recovery. Don't let tooth sensitivity control your life –give us a call today for an emergency dentist in OKC and schedule an appointment!

**Disclaimer: This content is not professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between the patient, care provider, or doctors.