When Should You Go to Your Dentist? 5 symptoms

Often, when we experience tooth pain, we don't take it seriously at first. But this might be the start of something severe that leads to extreme discomfort in the future. In times like this, consulting an emergency dentist in OKC could help you relieve a lot of pain. Here are a few of the possible causes of your toothache.


The cavity is the result of the breakdown of the outer layer of the tooth. It is usually caused by acidic bacteria. This causes tooth pain because of the holes that are formed in the teeth. These holes expose the inner nerves of the same. And that is why you feel a lot of pain.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay means the slow erosion of the teeth due to the same acidic bacteria that cause cavities. If such a condition remains unchecked, your tooth may break slowly over time.

Bad Teeth Cleaning Habit

Sometimes, bad teeth cleaning habits can also result in severe pain in the tooth. This can be fixed very easily with a little guidance from your dentist.

Teeth Grinding

Many people have a habit of grinding their teeth a lot. This habit causes the enamel of their tooth to wear down and cause pain in the jaw joint. This habit of grinding teeth sometimes leads to neck pain and headaches. On the other hand, this habit also sometimes causes sensitivity as the enamel of your teeth gets weakened.

Damaged Tooth Filing

A tooth filling is a dental restoration that is used to repair small cracks and cavities. This kind of filling is practiced very commonly by the dentist of Oklahoma City and if such a filling is damaged for any reason, it may cause a lot of pain.

What’s Left to Summarize?

These are some of the few possibilities why your tooth could be aching. But there could be something else that might be causing the pain in your tooth. This is why doctors recommend at least two teeth checkups every year. Look out for the things said above and in case something severe occurs, the emergency dentists at Comprehensive Family Dentistry can always provide you with expert advice.

**Disclaimer: This content is not professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between the patient, care provider, or doctors.