The Most Common Dental Procedures

Is wearing a bright smile your dream? Do not you like the way your teeth appear? Teeth stains, crooked teeth, abrasion etc. can make your smile fade out and you may lack in confidence. The cosmetic dentistry helps in providing the best smile to a patient owing the latest technologies and skills of the doctors. You can choose from multiple dentistry options from the clinic for multiple problems.

1. Tooth Bleaching

This is one of the most common processes for teeth brightening and whitening. People who want a treatment fast with great results can opt for this as well as this is an affordable option. The teeth whitening treatment can be done in an office or at home but make sure you take help of a dentist. Over the counter options are not always fruitful.

2. Enamel Bonding

Enamel bonding is a great process for the people who are suffering from chipped or stained teeth. This is a composite material that is typically used for dental fillings. This can be molded that means the material can be given a shape as per requirement. The only drawback is this material does not last long like the dental veners.

3. Dental Veneers

The dental veneers are the optimum choice for cosmetic dentistry. This decade old process is still the most popular one. These are thin porcelain shells that are fit over the teeth surface. After filling the teeth enamel an impression is taken. Then in a lab the custom veneers are made. You will get temporary veneers until the permanent one comes from the lab. This is most suitable for people with dark stained teeth or chipped or fractured teeth.

4. Invisalign Braces

You may think braces are for kids. But adults also take braces for correcting the teeth line like crooked teeth, misaligned teeth and more. The Invisalign braces are invisible and hardly anyone can notice it.

5. Enamel Abrasion

his is another process for correcting teeth discoloration. It uses a fine quality micro abrasion machine with good quality pumice for removing surface stains. It is able to remove superficial stains coming from wine, colored drink, tobacco and coffee but this process does not work for inside part of teeth and intrinsic teeth.

See us here at Cosmetic Family Dentistry for correcting your teeth stains. For more help on den health, contact us.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.