The Big Dental Debate: Temporary or Permanent Dentures?

Given how tough teeth are it is deceptively easy to go wrong with them. Improper dental hygiene can give rise to various dental problems. Unless they are treated well you may risk losing a tooth and having to get permanent dentures.

It is difficult to function with a missing tooth, you will face problems with the most basic tasks like chewing and talking.

Losing teeth also leads to long-term health issues like malnutrition. Even if we set the physical health concerns aside for a quick minute, many patients report about their mental health suffering to quite an extent. Lost teeth can alter your facial structure and it is a constant reminder of your predicament even when you close your mouth. It is even more conspicuous if it's your front teeth that are affected. People shy away from social situations and avoid smiling.

Luckily, as grim as this sounds, there are dental procedures that can fix your problems. Dentures are one of the most popular ways patients seek to repair their smiles.

Temporary Dentures vs. Permanent Dentures

Dentures are of different kinds, each fabricated to suit the users’ needs. A common debate that the dental community engages in is Permanent Dentures vs. Temporary Dentures. This article aims to shed light on the pros and cons of both.

How Are Temporary Dentures and Permanent Dentures Different?

Temporary dentures also known as immediate dentures are the ones that the dentist places in your mouth shortly after the tooth has been extracted. Temporary dentures are placeholders for permanent dentures that take time to make. Temporary dentures are also not custom made so it's common for them to not fit well, a problem that is resolved by permanent dentures.

The permanent ones are specially designed for the patient. While temporary dentures protect the raw gum, permanent ones are made for gums that are healed and will not change or shrink.

Are Temporary and Permanent Dentures Made of Different Materials?

Yes. Permanent dentures are made from some form of poly methyl methacrylate resin and temporary dentures are made of more basic resin. Since in most cases the temporary dentures are replaced in 4-6 months, it is more economical to do so. The high quality resin of permanent dentures offer better durability and usability.

Which Denture Fits Better?

Temporary dentures are not custom made. The measurements and thickness is more likely to be off. Due to this they may move around a bit which then needs to be addressed by relining the denture. Temporary dentures are also not as sharp as permanent dentures so it is not unheard of for patients to complain that chewing is difficult with these on.

Permanent dentures fit better as they are meticulously constructed keeping in mind the exact contours and measurements of the patient's mouth. They are also made of superior quality resin so they replicate natural teeth more closely.

Which Denture is More Expensive?

Temporary dentures are less expensive owing to the fact that they are made of lower grade resin. Permanent dentures command a higher price and rightly so given that they are customized, made of high grade resin and are so similar to natural teeth it's hard to tell them apart.

Best Permanent Dentures in Oklahoma

Comprehensive Family Dentistry offers the highest quality of dental care available in Oklahoma City. Their remarkable team of well-trained dentists are capable of handling the toughest dental procedures and restore you smile to its previous glory.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.