Suggestions for Your Oral Hygiene Protection

Without denial oral hygiene leaves a huge impact on the overall health of a person. Gum disease is connected with multiple diseases like cardiac problem, diabetes, stroke, preterm labor and more. Therefore, you should periodically visit a dentist for a thorough check-up and do the necessary treatment if required.

Use an electric toothbrush

When used properly, an electric toothbrush is also thought to be more powerful than a conventional toothbrush. Users of an electric toothbrush do not need to brush their teeth back and forth; instead, they simply direct the brush across the quadrants of their mouth, and the tiny vibrations clean the teeth. An electric toothbrush, especially if you have a lot of plaque and calcium build-up in your mouth, can be more effective at removing these particles on a daily basis. Many electric toothbrushes even have a 2-minute timer built in to help you stay on track!

Check to see if you're flossing correctly

Flossing at least once a day is important for good oral hygiene. Just 60% of your teeth's surfaces can be reached with a toothbrush, so flossing is the right and only way for plaque removal from the remaining 40%. Flossing, on the other hand, is only beneficial to your oral health when performed correctly. Flossing won't extract plaque hidden between your teeth and under your gums if you don't use a C-shape and don't go far enough under the gums.

Following flossing, rinse your teeth

Patients should floss before brushing their teeth to prevent debris loosen during flossing, but the most important thing is to floss at least once a day. If you floss your teeth after brushing or at any other time during the day, make sure to rinse your mouth with water to remove any bacteria or debris that the floss might have loosen.

In your office, keep a toothbrush

You never know when you will need to clean those pearly whites! If you have a meal that make food particles trapped in between teeth it’s always helpful to keep an extra toothbrush around for emergencies. Be sure to keep it in a safe position and with a cover on it to avoid dust and debris from collecting on your toothbrush.

Take Care of Your Tongue

Millions of bacteria live on the tongue, which can cause bad breath and plaque accumulation in the mouth. Clean your tongue gently as well while brushing your teeth to kill bacteria. You may also use mouthwash to freshen your breath and destroy bacteria as part of your everyday routine. Be sure to use one that contains fluoride to help reinforce your teeth and protect your mouth as a whole.

Incorporate Gum and Mouthwash

You might believe that brushing and flossing twice a day is sufficient. However, after brushing, rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash can destroy more oral bacteria, aiding in plaque removal. Swish for 30 seconds twice after brushing and flossing.

Skip Sugary and Aerated Drink

Although you can restrict the intake of sugary beverages, it is preferable to consume a beverage such as soda, sweet tea, coffee all at once rather than sipping it during the day.

Teeth Whitening Food

Some foods will potentially aid in the preservation of your pearly whites.

Celery, apples, cucumbers, pears, carrots, lettuce are examples of raw, coarse, fibrous foods that help clean tooth surfaces and eliminate any of the plaque that has developed, which may cause teeth to look yellow. Furthermore, since crunchy foods necessitate more chewing time, they promote saliva production, which neutralizes acids that can erode the teeth. See here at Comprehensive Family Dentistry for visiting a dentist for your oral health in OKC. We would assist you for any sort of oral problems.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.