Root Canal Treatment: The Details You Must Know

Most people in Oklahoma only visit the dental clinic when their teeth start suffering severe pain. The reason is still a myth!!! So today we thought about the most frequent dental problem which is still unresolved for many OKC patients. The fundamental problem is if a person doesn't know the problem and he doesn't worry too. In dentistry it all starts with small problems, but when ignored it leads to severe problems. Our teeth are three-part, or, you may say, divided into three parts, white, red, and yellow. Technically, they are made from enamel, dentin and pulp. This is the normal primary or permanent anatomy of any tooth.

An essentially bacterial cavity originates from the outermost layer of the tooth that is enamel, which is unknown to the majority of people, therefore no symptoms or pain are. As the time goes on, decline continues, and symptoms such as sensitivity sometimes cause a slight discomfort when food lodging develops.

Early detection and filling of a cavity helps protect the dentures against further progression, and prevents the tooth from root canal therapy.

Once the cavity attains the innermost level, the pulp patients begin to experience severe unbearable pain, which they can only visit. So, you can't hesitate to visit Comprehensive Family Dentistry or any trustworthy dentist if you begin to have such pain.

How the Treatment Works?


The area all around tooth is anaesthetized by local anesthesia before the root canal therapy starts, so it is painless so that the patient should not worry about pain in the root canal therapy. After the tooth is anaesthetized the dentist slowly removes the decay and explores the canals and starts to clean and remove the infected pulp with a subsequent dental treatment. Spreading of the canal and frequent irrigation with saline and sodium hypochlorite, ensures a complete cleaning of the canal without any infected pulp and infection.

Depending on the dentist's desires, different file systems are used that differ between persons and between teeth and tooth to avoid patients comparing their previous experience with physicians. The procedure is different for each tooth. The cleaning process fills the tooth of a temporary cement incase for single sitting root channel treatment. In order to ensure no empty place is left behind to prevent reinfection of bacteria on a single sitting root canal on the same day, the channel is filled with a thermoplastic material which is gutta-percha. The dentist fills with the same material once the cleaning has been carried out. The tooth is filled with lasting cement when the root canal is finished. The tooth is covered with a cap after root canal treatment to ensure the tooth is longer.

Where to Go for Treatment?

The root canal treatment is usually painless, depending on the gravity of the infection, without pain or discoloration. In order for the patient not to worry about treating the root canal, the dental officer prescribes painkiller and antibiotics. Comprehensive Family Dentistry is here to help you!

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.