Realizing the Importance of Children’s Oral Health

Most children in Oklahoma City face a common chronic disease: cavities or tooth decay. This disorder can lead to the children having infections and pain, and they will have problem speaking or eating. It creates more problems for the children as they won’t be able to concentrate on their studies or even play.

Most dentists recommend getting dental check-ups as early as possible. For most babies, the teeth start to begin from the age of 6 to 12 months. Most children have their complete set of teeth by the age of 3 years. The good news is if your baby has any issue with their teeth, dental implants are available for them too.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay mostly occurs when you do not properly care for your baby’s teeth. Babies do not wash their mouths after eating, or they can’t brush their teeth properly by themselves. The main culprit of tooth decay is plaque. This layer of bacteria develops in your child’s teeth over a certain amount of time. When they eat sugary substances or food, the bacteria release acids, which in turn cause cavities that can harm your child’s teeth.

This can be very painful for your child and damage the teeth that are yet to come out. People in OKC need to take their children to a dentist; their little ones can suffer from infections that can affect their whole bodies, which might lead them to miss school. You have to take immediate care of your child’s teeth, and if it gets to their permanent teeth, then you should consider a dental implant.

Preventing the Decay

You can prevent tooth decay with proper care and dental appointments. Most dentists recommend using fluoride toothpaste because it can reduce the use of cavities in their baby teeth. You can also consider getting dental sealants as it is essential for preventing decay for several years. Sealants can help improve almost 80 percent of cavities in children. Dental implants are also helpful when the teeth witness damage to a great extent.

Oral Care

Newborn babies appear to have no teeth, but they might hide inside their jaw. Dentists suggest starting oral care even before the teeth start to come out. These teeth are vital for the child as they hold spaces for the permanent teeth to grow. This helps your child to talk properly and chew their food.

The Best Way to Clean the Baby Teeth

First, you have to position your baby in a way that you can see their teeth. Cup your baby’s chin in your hand and clean the teeth in a soft circular motion. Make sure to clean both the front and back of each tooth.

Take Good Care of Your Child’s Teeth

Taking good care of your child’s teeth is essential, so make an appointment with the best dentists in Comprehensive Family Dentistry. They have the best and most skilled specialists on their team. So, call to make an appointment today.

**Disclaimer: This content is not professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between the patient, care provider, or doctors.