Pulling Out the Underlying Cause of Stained Teeth

Who doesn't like to wake up with that bright, white smile? But how many of you turn your imagination into a reality? Stained teeth are a common problem among the people of Oklahoma City, demanding the need for a dentist. But if you look closely, your daily consumption decides the teeth' appearance.

Although teeth discoloration occurs for various reasons, there are three primary categories: extrinsic, intrinsic, and age-oriented. But the sad part is people in OKC take oral health too lightly. If this negligence continues for a long time, you will need an emergency dentist soon. Now, let's hear what the reputed dentists of Comprehensive Family Dentistry are saying.

The Role of Trauma is Often Overlooked

Are you aware of the primary cause of intrinsic tooth discoloration? The innermost structure, dentin, starts darkening in this condition. But why does such a thing happen? Trauma can be the blamable factor here. Even a childhood toothache difficulty affects the underlying permanent tooth, spoiling its color. However, adulthood injuries often lead to internal bleeding and teeth staining. If you have more questions that remain unanswered, let our professional dentists help.

Surface Stains are the Outcome of Food and Drink

So, you have got optimum information regarding intrinsic discoloration. But what about the extrinsic factors? The staining of the enamel leads to this issue. And the common causes include acidic content, pigments, and chemical substances in foods and beverages.

Although these kinds of stuff might not immediately impact, they eventually begin to form ugly stains. Items that deserve moderation include coffee, wine, cola, tea, hard candy, tomato sauce, and berries. But we think you forget something! Remember to stay hydrated and brush regularly after meals.

What Aging Does to Your Precious Smile?

Any level of extrinsic or intrinsic stain requires you to visit a dentist at Comprehensive Family Dentistry. However, there is another factor that steals away tooth colors: aging. The older you get, the higher the chances of such complications. Another issue people in Oklahoma City notice is thinning of the enamel layer, making the yellow pigment more prominent. The problem doesn't end here. Cigarette smoking and eating junk foods deepen the stains to the next level.

Where Does Hope Dwell?

This post has covered all the essential factors to overcome staining issues. From changing your eating habits to brushing your teeth twice to seeing a reputed dentist, every step adds up to brighten your smile. And ultimately, you feel satisfied with the good decision you make.

**Disclaimer: This content is not professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.