Learn More about Dental Implants

What are dental implants? Dental implants are one of the most advanced tooth replacement options for both men and women. If you are suffering from damaged teeth or one of your teeth is missing, dental implants are a good option for you. Dental implants will not only sit merely on the top of the gums, rather it will become a natural tooth. There are more things you can learn about dental implants. It will give you a fair idea how dental implants work.

In What Way Dental Implants Are a Good Option for You?

  • If one of your teeth is missing, dental implants can help you replace one of your missing teeth.

  • Dental implants are a good option for damaged teeth. They act as tooth-replacement.

  • It's a good option if you want to improve your speech.

  • It helps you fix your smile. Many people find it difficult or rather uncomfortable to smile while having a damaged tooth. Dental implants will help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

What Is the Procedure?

When it's the time to place dental implants, your doctor will make you ready. At first, your doctor will cut your jawbone (a tiny cut) and expose your gum. Then he/she will create a small whole to place the dental implant. After you finish the initial implantation work, you have to wait for a few months to heal your dental implants. Once healed, a new crown will replace the temporary crown.

Why Dental Implants Are a Secure Option?

  • Dental implants are secured. They are actually small titanium rods in the form of screws implanted into the jawbone. A dental surgeon will perform this surgical implantation. Once it's placed, it will slowly fuse to the jawbone.

  • They will neither damage the surrounding teeth nor make noise. It's the safest dental replacement option.

  • Once it's fixed into the jawbone, it will not come out. The fusion work will help it stay there permanently. The surrounding jawbone will bond itself with the titanium. It normally takes 3-6 months and once it's healed permanently, it will become similar to one of your natural teeth.

Risk Factor

All you need is a specialist in this job. If your implants are placed improperly, it will give you pain and many headaches. The success rate is way higher in case of dental implants than other processes. You can simply make an appointment with your dentist if you are looking for dental implants in OKC.

Schedule your appointment at Comprehensive Family Dentistry if you are looking to replace one of your missing teeth. We have highly trained dentists who have years of experience and are capable of helping patients according to their needs.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.