Give up Unhealthy Habits to Stay Safe from Teeth Stains

For the teeth, prevention is always preferable to cure. Avoiding staining chemicals in the first place is the greatest method to keep the smile appearing bright. Avoiding stains can also help you get the most out of teeth whitening whether you've recently had it done or are considering it in the future. The first step is to understand what causes teeth stain and other discoloration types. Visit a dentist if the following habits have stained your teeth.

Coffee, red wine, and other teeth-staining beverages should be avoided.

Coffee is a well-known cause of tooth discoloration. Coffee's black pigments, known as chromogens, can attach to the enamel surface of teeth if you drink it frequently and avoid rinsing the mouth with water afterward. This causes teeth to darken over time.

Another common teeth stainer is red wine, which is why drinking water on a regular basis is recommended to help lessen the staining impact. Black tea has a higher concentration of staining tannins than coffee, which might cause more staining.

Consumption of staining foods

Any meal that stains your fingers, like beverages, is likely to stain your teeth as well. Brightly colored berries, beetroot, sticky sweets, and dishes with vividly colored sauces are all foods that can stain teeth. Curry sauces, tomato-based sauces, and soy sauce are some common examples.

Consuming acidic drinks

White wine is not a stain-free alternative to red one. Some wines' acidity can dissolve tooth enamel, rendering teeth more susceptible to stains from other foods and beverages. Dental stains can also be caused by carbonated soft drinks which contain large amounts of acid, sugar, and pigments. Try to stay away from these drinks or drink them in moderation.


There are numerous health reasons to stop smoking, but tobacco, whether smoked or chewed, is also a primary source of tooth stains. In addition to stains, smoking is a common risk factor for a variety of oral health issues along with oral cancer and gum disease. The sooner you quit, the faster your body will begin to heal.

You are not flossing and brushing your teeth regularly

Plaque that accumulates on the surfaces of teeth tends to hold stains, and regular dental hygiene can help prevent plaque build-up. Brushing teeth twice a day, ideally with fluoride toothpaste, and flossing at least once a day are recommended by dentists. Eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet that is low in sugar can also assist.

If you're considering a cosmetic procedure, they can assist you understand the potential dangers and costs so you can make the best decision possible. Consult your local dentist at Comprehensive Family Dentistry for further information.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.