Follow These 9 Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay at Early Age

Let’s imagine a scenario. You are studying in your room and suddenly experience a sharp pain in your teeth. You cannot understand the matter but your dentist assesses the problems as signs of tooth decay. You become speechless because you witnessed this issue despite brushing twice every day.

You were sure that there was no chance of the tooth decaying, yet you became affected. But remember that brushing twice a day may not always prevent tooth decay. Though it is an excellent oral habit, you should also follow other tips. Read this article to learn the simple yet effective dental tips that protect you from dental problems. Have a look.

What is Tooth Decay?

When the structure of teeth gets destroyed, tooth decay occurs. This problem does affect not only the enamel of your teeth but also the dentin layer. When food elements remain in your teeth for days, microscopic bacteria inside your mouth turn them into acids. After that, acid, food debris, saliva and bacteria form plaque that is harmful to teeth. Plaques dissolve the enamel of teeth and make cavities which lead to unexplainable pain.

Notice Your Mouth While Brushing

While brushing, you should notice if there are any signs of pain or swelling in the wall of your mouth. Whenever you experience such problems, contact your dentist immediately. Don’t waste your time unnecessarily. Otherwise, your situation may become severe.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

It is a fundamental tip to prevent tooth decay for a more extended period. If you can’t follow other suggestions, try to practice this. Brush and floss your teeth for two minutes twice daily to keep the dental problems at bay. If you still experience issues frequently, call an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

Be Mindful About Your Eating Habit

We know that sugary or acidic foods are harmful to our overall health. But do you know that this type of food also harms your teeth? Sugary foods help harmful bacteria to destroy the enamel.

Hence, you should wash your mouth 30 minutes after consuming sweet drinks or food. Also, aside from this, you should consume dark green vegetables and take vitamins C and D to reduce the acids and increase the calcium level.

Don’t Repeat the Bad Habits Anymore

There are a lot of bad habits which damage your teeth severely. For instance, smoking and biting your nails using tobacco can cause chips or cracks in your teeth. Besides good oral hygiene, you should also focus on avoiding these habits.

These bad habits can lead to several problems, such as loss of taste, discoloration, tooth loss, oral cancer and receding gums. Therefore, whenever you notice problems, seek medical treatment from your dentist.

Other Important Tips to Remember

  • Rinse your teeth with fluoride-containing mouthwash regularly.

  • You can consult your dentist about supplemental fluoride, which will help strengthen the teeth.

  • You should eat nutritious meals and avoid snacks as much as possible.

  • Carbohydrate-based foods remain on the teeth for a long time. Try to limit such types of food, including rice and chips.

  • Visit your dentist’s clinic monthly for a regular oral exam and cleaning.

Beyond Your Expectations

These tips will help you maintain good oral hygiene and healthy teeth for years. But doing regular dental checkups is also essential. Contact us at Comprehensive Family Dentistry in Oklahoma City to fix an appointment with an emergency dentist.

Call us at (405) 947-0044 to learn more about our services. Our adult dentist also takes care of people who don’t have any insurance coverage. We provide an in-house membership plan so that you can achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.

**Disclaimer: This content is not professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between the patient, care provider, or doctors.