5 Ways to Look After Your Teeth in Quarantine - Make Your Dentist Proud

This pandemic has imparted enough misery on our people, we cannot let it snatch our smiles away too.

Most Dentists in Oklahoma City have to keep their offices closed due to Quarantine restrictions but there should be nothing stopping you from carrying out your own dental hygiene routine at home.

This article discusses 10 dental tips that will make up for a long overdue appointment at the dentist's.

5 Tips to Maintain Your Pearly Whites at Home

Brush Twice a Day

Someone said 'Brush every morning to keep your friends and brush every night to keep your teeth' and truer have never been spoken.

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and fluoride toothpaste to clean your teeth. Reach into the nooks and crannies of your mouth and make sure you brush every bit.

Do Not Skip Flossing

We are sure you have heard this from Dentists enough times but we will still reiterate. Flossing is an integral part of an effective oral hygiene routine. Regular flossing helps battle gum diseases. It also takes care of food build-up in between your teeth, giving you a healthier and whiter smile.

Replace Your Toothbrush Every Few Months

Old, worn out toothbrushes are not as effective in removing plaque. The bacteria that builds up in the bristles interferes with your dental hygiene. Old bristles are also known to cause gum bleeding.

We suggest you replace your brush every 3 months. Especially with Covid on our tails, make sure you store your toothbrushes away from other family members'. This prevents germs from spreading.

Drink Enough Water

A glass of water after meals helps wash away food particles stuck between your teeth. It also dilutes the acid in your mouth significantly lowering the possibility of tooth decay.

Water also reduces stains and bad breath.

Develop Healthy Dietary Preferences

Dentists say nutrition plays a very important role when it comes to dental health. While we do understand that the path to healthy dietary habits takes time and is not devoid of obstacles, we encourage you to take a step towards it anyway.


  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Fiber rich food keeps your gum and teeth clean.

  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, plain yogurt. Loaded with calcium and phosphate, helps rebuild enamel.

  • Green/Black tea. Contains polyphenols that are effective against bacteria.

  • Food rich in fluoride. Fluoridated drinking water helps make your teeth stronger. Seafood, poultry products etc. are also good fluoride containing options.


  • Candies and Sweets. Candies that stick to your teeth are the worst thing you can do to your teeth. If you absolutely need to have a sweet, opt for chocolate. Chocolate washes out of your tooth quicker. Dark chocolate is even known to have several health benefits.

  • Starchy food. Bread, potatoes etc get stuck to your teeth pretty easily. Those being diet staples makes it harder to get your way around them. What we suggest is to properly rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after a meal.

  • Carbonated Soft Drinks. Added sugar, phosphoric and citric acid does a number on the tooth enamel. Replace these with plain water, smoothies or natural fruit juice instead.

At Comprehensive Family Dentistry, Oklahoma City hosts some of the state's best dentists. Staying true to their motto of treating each patient to the best of their capabilities, Comprehensive Family Dentistry offers superior services including that of emergency dentists. Visit the website to book an appointment!

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.